Moderators: Can I ask Members with Dynos to Test My Fuel Vaporizing Proto???

Thanks ya'll,

I have been working on vaporizing fuel for about 30 years on and off. I finally hit the right design. Unfortunately the patent office department which is to look at my application won't get to it for another 16 months. I'm trying to figure out what to do in the mean time. I applied for it myself, no atty, and don't have a lot of R&D funds, but have tested several designs that have proven to reduce Co2 and Hydrocarbons by approx 40%, increase mileage by about 30% and I am now trying to get some accurate dyno testing done to determine and approximate HP/Torque increase. I will keep a link to this message open and will keep you apprised, or will open another one when it gets closer to the date...

Please do Bob. Sounds interesting. Wish I had a engine ready for the dyno. There's one close to me and it would be fun to play.