'64 or 65 A-body 4-speed 833 transmission

I can't believe this has not yet been gobbled up. The lowgear alone is worth the admission, even if both synchronizer units are beyond repair.Common guys, the deep low is awesome.It takes off like;
(3.55 x 3.09)/2.66 =4.12s! 65mph is about 2867rpm
(3.23 x 3.09)/2.66 =3.75s and 65 is about 2608rpm
(2.94 x 3.09)/2.66 =3.42s and 65 is about 2374rpm
I've been running this 3.09 since about 2004,and never going back to the 2.66. It's just what your SBM needs to blast off! I paid double for just the gearset,no synchronizers,and have never regretted it