Weird Timing issue on my 318 V8 5.2L

You can NOT time an engine, any engine by ear. That is a no no from the go go (could be a rap song in there....I claim all rights to it but I can't rap) and as suggested you need a timing light and learn how to use it.

I happened to grow up knowing one of the best Comp racers in the country. He was a FORD by but by had loads of talent so I forgave the Ford issues. Anyway, I was 15 and we stopped by his place to shoot some bulls and race the benches around. I'll never forget that day. He told me 90% of the people at a drag strip don't understand how to time an engine or use a timing light. That was 1978-79. He was absolutely correct.

Sadly, after all this time, it's still true. This ain't a rip on any one. Just stating what I've learned. Fortunately, time has passes and things like the grid and EFI have come along to help. But, if you can't grasp carb function or how and ignition system works, IDK that a computer makes it better.

Ramble off, waiting for AJ to come along and make my post more interesting.

I have a timing light and I DO know how to use it - I also DO know about carb functioning and the ignition system - duh - this is not my "first time at the rodeo" buddy............ the problem I am dealing with is I have no history on this engine - I have not rebuilt it - it's had head work done by a previous owner who put the carbon plugged up intake back on fresh new heads and then didn't have the intake gaskets in the right position which smashed one end of the metal gasket and I could see where they took a screw driver and tried to "move" the gasket thus putting a crimp in that gasket - That's the kind a crap I am dealing with on this car ...........
so I am dealing with an engine that had work done by someone who thought they were a "mechanic" but that person didn't know what the hell they were doing - during the restoration process on this car I have found so much Wrong with the work that someone else has done - that it makes it difficult to determine WHAT I am dealing with at times..............
I am NOT the type of person to Grasp at things I don't know - I do my research - by reading posts on this form and other forums related to this type of car and reading and understanding the freakin shop manual and talking to ASE certified mechanics ..............
so making a blanket statement like you did only serves to piss people off - so you accomplished what you intended ... good for you........... but I don't have time for that crap.