Weird Timing issue on my 318 V8 5.2L

OP, be aware that you could have a mismatched damper and timing cover. The timing covers had the marks change sides going from 1969 to 1970 and the damper marks changed at the same time. If you have an early timing cover (marks on the passenger side) with a later damper, or later timing cover (marks over on the driver's side) with an early damper, then the timing marks are gonna be waaay off. With what you seem to be running into in general, I would not be surprised if they are mismatched. But just make new marks on the damper as instructed.

Also, if they are matched, but the outer damper ring has shifted, you REEEEALLY need to replace that right away. If this ring has moved that much (or any at all for that matter), then it may be a matter of time 'til it flies off; they often do a ton of damage when they come loose. Take a look very close look at the very thin rubber between inner and out rings; missing chunks or big cracks is a bad sign.