Don't understand cams

I don't get it.
Overlap = the two durations averaged and subtract double the LDA
You didn't give the LDA but if I assume 106*, the formula looks like this;
(294 + 297)/2 less (106 x 2)= 295.5 less 212 = 83.5

If the LDA was a 110* it would look like this;
(294 + 297)/2 less (110 x 2) = 295.5 less 220 =75.5

If the LDA was 114* it would look like this;
(294 + 297)/2 less (114 x 2) = 295.5 less 228 =67.5
These are quite different cams with very different idles, for sure.And the ICAs are 4* apart depending on install,therefore different compression requirements for street use, and probably will want different TCs and maybe gears.
To make an 8.0Dcr and about 162psi,in a 408, the Static CRs would need to be 11.5,11.1,10.7, or about .4 point change in SCR for each change in listed LDAs.

Thanks Aj, will studying this a bit before commenting. Yes it is 106 LSA and 12.8 compression.
I'm assuming that" IDA" is the same as lsa(lobe separation angle)