Left turn signal better than right

I think when we lighten the loads with relays on the OE wiring we cause this to happen.
(so light of a load the regulator flips out) :D
Did you know the headlights run through about 20 feet of wire and two switches?
So when for example we use relays for those the OE wiring has WAY less amp loads to deal with so the regulator isn't quite sure what to do. (my theory anyway) after watching craploads of people trying to solve it and not.
Some solutions work for some people and not others.

I left mine as well. :D
It doesn't hurt anything just a slight annoyance, so screw it.

This is very interesting. Relays were put in my headlight wiring. So I could maybe just 'fugget about it?', once I check the bulbs, and grounds?
