Where does Santa hide stuff untill the big day?

No doubt at our place that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and the only reason for the season. But if we don't hide them, our 8 yr old will find them and ruin his own surprise as well as his little sister's. Besides, it's fun.

you want to talk about ruining the surprise...my sister doesnt share my faith

last october my oldest and her oldest (who is just a few months younger then mine) had a sleep over at my parents house
she came down crying the next morning because my boy filled her in on the fact about santa
(i had never thought they would discus that, this early in the winter, otherwise i would have told him to keep it on the down lo)

having said all that, our kids dont really go hunting for presents (not like i did, i used to tear the house up) so pretty much anywhere in our room is safe
but if i felt the need to really keep them out, i would put it in the "armory" which is basically a walk in closest with a locked door and lined with lockers