Friend is a Cop....

I know a Korean family that immigrated here. they are an extended family that own several restaurants. they BRAG how they pay thy pay NO federal income tax. exempt the first 5 yrs here, then they just SELL the business to a cousin , back and forth. I have no reason to believe this not a fact. total BS. our govn't sets this up. and look at all the problems the Fd govn't causes their citizens trying to work,live, own a small business. et.
I bet this. the vast majority of US citizens have no issue with the immigration of worthy people, that will work and pay taxes, learn the English language, support the local communities where they live, fly the American flag, become REAL and legal US citizens, obey our laws. NOT take advantage of the welfare laws, etc etc...
I say keep the good immigrants and export the sorry white, black, green,pink, poka dot, etc US TRASH..??? ha