Considering adding a lift - thoughts on 2-post vs. 4-post?

Here is a breakdown of costs to compare.
I'll use Bendpak as the example since I am familiar with them .

2 post 10Klb wide lift - $2,900.00
2 tall 1500lb/each (3000lb total) adjustable jack stands - $200.00
Total: $3,100.00

4 post 9Klb wide lift - $3,035.00
1 GS 3500lb rolling jack - $820.00
Total: $3,855.00

The difference is less than a grand, in the 2 posts favor. Concrete thickness and strength is very important, so if your not set up already, plan on another $500.00 or so for busting up the concrete and pouring a couple or so 4100lb/ piers. I prefer the 2 post as it is more versatile IMO. I would consider a 4 post if I was storing a car and did not have a lot of space.

Ditto on paying to have the delivered into your garage. Assembly is easy. I had help from a buddy just to lift the uprights. I assembled the rest by myself using a basketball goal and some ratchet straps, so it's not that difficult.
