Friend is a Cop....

our country has work .... IE ( hand labor veg, frit pickers) that require unskilled, uneducated workers. period. should these people be exploited? NO. should they automatically get $15/hr that the NEW generation of "burger flippers" sometime demand? NO.
I am not ashamed to admit have worked basically outdoors, with my hands for the most part of my life. white, male, born here, my ancestor been here many generations. yep, I got a BS in 1970, Ag not rocket science. I relate to people working with their hands, manual labor some would call it. maybe shilled labor??
any citizen, or potential citizen, should be regarded with due consideration that proves to be an honest, hard working, law abiding individual. this whole immigration issue has been " run away from" by Washington for decades. it will not be settle easily and without many problems, but it is way past due to resolve the matter!???