Of all the nasty things I've done in my life...

I had to remove a dead puppy from a large fern outside our front door. She wandered in and her collar got her stuck and she died....then she started to stink. By the time I got her out she was the size of a basketball with only her collar intact. Saddest part was handing the collar to my neighbor who thought she had ran away. A big rat dies under my house, that was gross. Crawled all the way in and tossed it in a bag real fast. My boy them pulled the bag out by a line I had tied to it. It was still moving, but it was dead for a WHILE.....:-&
I was crawling a house to fix a phone line and it was pretty musty and muddy down there (in the middle of the foundation?) so I had my tyvec suit on. On the way out I noticed a lot of little white blobs in the mud. Well, looking up I saw a broken 3" sewer line that was 2 feet from a toilet flange. Those were not white mounds, they were toilet paper wads...and that wasn't mud from the rain...I hurled right there, took the suit off and threw it in her trash and drove 20 miles straight home in my work truck to take a shower.