[PSA/WARNING] - Centerbores out of spec on new Bendix PRT1132 11.75" disc brake rotors

Chinese crap has a problem?

I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS OFT - PROVEN FACT! My desire to save money far outweighs the consequences of using sub standard Chinese ****.

Thank you for the psa. Too tight is going to be a real ***** for anybody that actually installs calipers on their car before installing rims.

I still think about rotor explosions due to sub standard material and manufacturing. Can't wait for trump to kick this Chinese trash back across the ocean!

I did some research a few months ago for a different car (that lousy KIA in the background of some of the photos) and I seem to recall that there are very few major brake manufacturers that weren't in China anymore. But that information may have been related to drum brakes; I'm not entirely sure.

I'd be willing to be that even the rotors that Cass offers at Dr. Diff are Chinese - and that there isn't a thing he can do about it, other than inspect them for quality at HIS end to make sure that his end users don't get the shaft.

I was damn lucky to have installed it without the caliper. Wouldn't have been fun to pull all the hardware off with the wheel stuck on it.

I'll believe American-made rotors for our cars on the general market when I see them. Not before. And even then, I'll still check them to make sure some idiot isn't copying China's mistakes. I've seen enough mass-produced garbage come from America as of recent to know that we desperately need to get our act together. Speaking of which, deporting the bean counters to China would be a good start. It's not as if these rotors are cheap to begin with from ANY country.
