Project Munin/68 Dart

Ok, with the front lower and upper link brackets fully welded on the frame I took the extra step to seam seal and hit it with rust stop before undercoating it. Next on my list was to set up my upper and lower rear link brackets. These attach to the axle housing. The lower link brackets are a bolt on deal using the old spring perches while the upper link brackets are weld on. The upper link brackets also set up the watts links and the sway bar. I made sure these were perfectly centered on the axle housing itself at the exact same distance apart my front upper link mounts measured center to center at. They also need to be clocked at the same degree relative to one another. It was a a lot of measuring and measuring again followed by some light tack welds, more measuring... They came out great though. Getting the axle under the car will allow me to measure for wheels, excited about that for sure.
