440 dart radiator...

That fan is all wrong for you, and I don't care for that top hose either.
As to the fan; The blades are too narrow and there is not sufficient angle of attack.
As to the hose; those ribs contribute to turbulence which leads to restriction, which leads the pump into overdrive, and then the vanes slip and the water all comes to a grinding halt,so to speak. If the bottom intake hose is the same, then then the intake is similarly restricted, only worse. That little pump is no pump at all, it is a water mover. If the water cannot get into the pump fast enough, then the pump will tear it off in pieces, so to speak. And the water will stay in the engine too long, getting hotter and hotter. Then the trip thru the little rad that has that fan barely pulling air thru it just adds insult to injury.
>OK so I exaggerated a little bit, but the point is made; get real molded hoses and the lower one needs the anti-collapse spring in it, AND then get a real fan. And when you got that done put at least a 180 stat in it.
Start with a fan.Here's what I'm talking about;
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