ISO: '65 or '66 Barracudas

Hey, Jeff.
Yes, that's me and, wow, you've got a great memory...although I didn't get my first Neon until 1995, but I did have the blue '66 Barracuda then, so we must have stayed in touch over the years which wasn't hard to do in the SoCal Mopar community.

The only thing I found out about my '65 is that it may be in upstate NY. I found some pictures online that this guy took of some cars at this repair shop and one of them looked like my car. The tell-tale signs are:
bumper guards - not many '65s had them, but mine did.
paint stripe went under the hood latch - OEM (and you can check on your car) should have the stripe ending at the hood latch and not going below it. It was a minor detail that I forgot to tell the painter when he shot mine.
Color combo w/ Commando V8 - I've seen a few ivory/gold Formula S cars (and so cool that you've found another), but have not seen any ivory/gold Rallye Pack cars. I'm sure they're out there, but they seem to be elusive.

Here's another shot from the Woodly Park photo shoot. C. Van Tune took the pictures and it was so cool that they need up using them for the book.
View attachment 1715024287

As much as I'd like to find my old '65, my wife and I will probably be searching for a '67-'69 later this year. We've never owned a 2nd gen. Barracuda and it's really the body style that we both like the best. There's a local guy here who owns three of them ('67 fastback 273/2, '68 fastback 318/2 and '68 notch 340/4 Formula S). Bought them new and they are 100% original and rust-free (which is rare of these parts).
We need to go talk to him... :)
It's great to hear from you Dave
Good luck on your new search
Let me know if you ever find your old 65
I don't remember ever seeing your 66
I just remember the 65...
You were changing the hose clamps because you had the original ones on for photo shoot
I hope to run into you again some day
You and your hobby left an impression and I never forgot