Mopar Neighbor bout to put me at wits ends or jail

I'd hold off on that . See my above post.

Well the damn ethanol fuel I had in the PW trashed the needle/seats in the Holley again (flood city). Did not have time to go into town and pick some up.

Got another idea though and waited for his departure! My quad copter drone got his attention in the windshield of his pretty RAM 4x4! He slowed right down and I paced him in reverse down the road. When he got to my driveway he looked over to get the standard hand gesture that I was watching him! Every time he went up and down the road thus far today he has been 10mph! I really hate to trash his piece of road cause it gets us nowhere. As a matter of fact he just drove back down the road to his house and 10mph with little dust while I sit in the garage and type this. We will see how long it lasts!