Our trip to the Gatornationals

Each year my buddy and I would take turns driving up to the drag races in Gainesville, Florida. It was about a 2.5 hour drive for us. It was my turn and I was taking the Duster we had just primered. It had some chrome reverse wheels on it and looked okay. I had chopped the muffler off and clamped on a Cherry Bomb muffler that you could not see from the side of the car. It made it pretty loud. We are in this long line of cars to get in and it is two lanes wide. We were in the right lane and the left lane was moving a little faster. First car pulls along side and says,"Nice car! What engine is it?' I looked over at my buddy and smiled and he knew I was gonna lie. So I told them,"318!" and I got the thumbs up. We both chuckled, and another car pulls up and asks the same thing. Once again, I lied and said, "340!" Another thumbs up. My buddy cracks up and says, "Man what if this keeps happening? We have a long ways to go yet." Sure enough, another "What size is the motor?" And I went big block on 'em! "383!", I said. "Wow! Sounds awesome." Now we are dying in the car. I told him the next joker that asks me I am going Hemi! We wait and wait and no more people ask. So I start throwing in neutral and revving the snot out of it. This homemade piece of crap motorhome pulls alongside and the driver yells,"Hey! That sucker sure is loud. What's under the hood?" I look over at my friend and he is covering his mouth and is face is bright red because he knows this is my chance. I get the real smug look on my face, look the guy dead in the eye and say..."HEMI."
His eyes get all big and he yells back,"BULLSHIT! It's a Slant 6. Put a real motor in it!!!!" and drives away.
