My Duster Adventures

Yesterday I also got a cardboard template cut out for the upper transmission crossmember and today I traced it over to steelIMG_2094.JPG
I went way overkill on the thickness of the materials but I had this plate kicking around for months so I decided to use itIMG_2095.JPG
Here's what I have so far, I'll cut out a few more pieces and will need to weld it all together then. Can't explain it but I'll post pics once I get it done.IMG_2096.JPG IMG_2097.JPG
I did have to cut this one stud off on the transmission to get it to clear the second "hoop" that I'll be putting in. IMG_2099.JPG IMG_2103.JPG
That's all I got for now but hopefully I'll be getting more done on the crossmember tomorrow.