Going from pre-70s V Reg to the newer post-70s V Reg Squareback

Great this all worked out. Hard to say, but the voltage might be a wee-bit more steady, but still bounces 14.1 - 14.4.
I ended up mounting the new Regulator to the top of the fender well. Thanks everyone for your help.
I always wondered if regulation of the + vs. - was better or worse in terms of stability of the voltage.
Voltage variations are entirely normal, brand new vehicles do it, as long as it's not wide & abrupt(say .7V+ quickly jumping up & down) You're good. A "change & recovery" is
normal when loads are applied & removed. Mopar decided controlling the ground was preferred at that point, but I can't say it had anything to offer stability-wise, that pretty
much is owned by the much faster switching transistors in the electronic regulators.