running problem

The key cannot go to the off position until the interlock is engaged in that star shaped thingy which may require the steering wheel to be rotated slightly until it locks. Then you will hear the interlock flip up and enter the window in the star. If the interlock spring is broken,missing or not engaged, then it will not flip up. If it does not flip up,then the key cannot be rotated. So, since the wheel is off, you can now see the many windows. Rotate the star until you see the interlock, then lift it up into the window. Now the key should rotate to off.
Then either fix the interlock or remove the star and the interlock underneath it.
I think that is how I fixed mine many many years ago.
Oh I just reread your post;
it says that you already have the star thing removed. In that case just lift up the interlock, and rotate the key to off. Most likely the engagement spring is not popping the interlock up.
If after lifting the interlock, the key still does not rotate, then there is a good chance that someone jammed the wrong key into the switch.You may have to replace it. I think this won't be easy, as the key is supposed to be in the ;IIRC, the off position in order for it to be removed.