Dont loan out your tools

There is a VERY short list of people I will loan tools out to. VERY SHORT list.

My nephew was taking HVAC classes. I asked him were his tool list was. He handed it to me, I review the list, and say, "Get your money and we'll go down to the tool store so you can get some things old for yourself."

Now, being a very dumb fraker of 21 YO, he (LMAO!) says, "I thought I'd just borrow your tools." When I told him no he asks what is the big deal?

I said when you pay for your own tools with your own hard earned money, you'll understand and even more so when you get them back from others that borrowed them IF you get them back. Get your own and keep them. They'll be yours, not borrowed.

From here, Smokindust and Fast01 can stop by anytime for what ever the need, though there tool collection makes mine look like the "Builder Bob toy set." But there mighty welcome anytime. Them some true good fellas!