Dont loan out your tools

Also posted on facebook:

Never lend your tools out !!!!!!

I had a "buddy" who needed to borrow a cam bearing tool. So I loaned it like an idiot and turns out he didn't need it for himself but his buddy who I don't know and needed it for a mustang of some sort.

So he takes my cam bearing tool and leaves it at his buddies place in a shady part of town, who is the one who actually needed it. He never brought it back, so 2 months later I go to get it back and my former "buddy" says he doesn't have it and told where his buddy lives who used it and told me that I have to go get it myself.

So I go to this other guy's house who has it who I don't know.
I tell him that it is mine and my "buddy" told me to come get it.

The guy who used it tells me to "F%c^ off, BiT&%" I get the door slammed n my face and my cam bearing tool is long gone.

Luckily it was a cheap Chinkese tool that I found at a pawn shop a few years ago for cheap because I had to weld the end and it was missing some parts when I got it. So it could have been worse.

So to not let dumb things get me down .......I got over it and ordered a new Lisle 18000

Its in the mail but when it gets here, I am never lending it or any other tool out ever again. (I am going to get hostile if anyone asks) This is a much better tool anyways so remember, turn those lemons in life into sweet lemonade and buy nice tools, and don't forget to NEVER lend them out.

Mopar or no car Brothers and Sisters

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I loaned a friend my car trailer. Weeks later when I went to use it my truck kept blowing fuses. I asked him what happened and he said he had to re-wire the trailer to work on his truck. I asked him when he was going to fix , he told me he didn't have the time.