Fixing the wiring of my tach - I'm dumber than a blonde!

CLOSED! After finishing the Harmonic Balancer, I got back on this. I thought about what was right and what was wrong, based on the schematic attached a few replies above. I also bought the circuit tester and some glass fuse taps. The picture in the previous post is BEFORE, the picture just above is AFTER.

Bada-Bing, Bada-Boom. DONE! Worked like a charm.

That little black thing at the bottom is some kind of calibration for the tach. I noticed it was sitting at like 600 rpm (when off). Then I remembered I had fiddled with that thing not knowing what it was. So I fiddled with it again, and set the tach at 0 rpm.

Overall, I don't like this tach. I may update this later. But it is good for now.
