Cinnamon 75 Duster \

This was the last area of heavy blocking I had left yesterday. Added a little fill and finished it up today. With that I will say I've spent near 40 hours with my Dura-blocks. As much work as it is, there is no way I could have got to this level without them(not that its perfect now either)Prior to this, I just used rubber blocks with the metal teeth in the ends to hold paper. Really different with these Durablocks. Finds everything. And can actually correct a lot. Amazing how much the thickness of a layer or two of paint can throw off a body line.
So next is to pull bumpers, lights, etc. Run over it again with 320 getting all the edges exposed by removing parts. Then prime the whole thing, wet sand and transport to paint. I have an attached garage, so to do at my house would have been a driveway job. I will do primer here, but not paint. To close to road and neighbors. When I did the engine bay, I used single stage with hardener. Did not realize it contains iso-nasty stuff. At least I was in open air and did use a cartridge mask. Will ask where I get my paint, but probably skip the hardener when I paint the body. Just go with straight PPG JE. Will be inside a large garage with good air movement, but don't have supplied air mask..

2017-05-23 11.52.25.jpg