340 intake on a 273???


So, there I was all fat, dumb and happy sitting on Craigslist eating pork rinds, when what to my wandering eyes should appear but a 1964, 273 engine with a 340 4 barrel intake for $100. It's like Christmas in June I thought!!! All I have to do was drive across the state and part with a Benjamin... So, why not?? I've never even heard of a 340 intake on a 1st Generation 273, but I figure there could be an angle to it...

Anyway, here's the picture:

As you may recall, I'm a rookie and have no knowledge or experience, but I believe the PO (prior owner) wasn't lying cause the intake is Blue and the engine is Red...

Here are the numbers for the intake:


I'm guessing the build date is the 3-28-83.. Not sure hat the 8ZC and DND refer to below it... Then theres the firing order and I guess the intake or part number is 4173915 and is that a sideways heart or a 3??? Other intake markings include the DIST ROTATION direction... and random numbers and such.

Didn't see the build date on the engine but came across 2465330-2 :

If someone can let me know where to look for the build date on the engine, we can see if it "really is a '64"... Am I reading these numbers right? Are there other clues printed on the engine that will reveal even MORE of the story? (If so, please let me know, I bought a can of degreaser just in case...)

I'm sure you have all seen more remarkable stuff, but does anyone think this could work??

My plan, unless someone tells me a better one, is to pull the intake and see how it's been jerry-rigged on, and if there's been significant damage to the intake as a result (can someone tell me what should I be looking for). Then I'll pull the heads and see what kind of shape they are in, maybe get them ported out and the valves hardened. If the intake hasn't been ruined (how would I know?) and the heads are good, maybe then I'll start thinking cams and pistons... Maybe frost plugs, what the hell are frost plugs?? is that even a real thing or are the voices in my head leading me astray again... Course I'll need to consider a carb (suggestions)... I've never done anything with engines (I did check the oil on my lawn mower once) Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how to get the engine out of the back of my pickup, guess it would be easier if I took it apart... (I actually know a guy with an engine lift, or I'll drive across the state, in the other direction, to harbor freight..)

I've only got $100 into this and can probably part it out and recoup most of that (I think -maybe), but regardless, I don't want to go overboard and throw good money after bad.

Please let me know if any of you have 'Frankenstein-ed' your rides in such a manner and how it worked out. One last picture, of what I suspect is the fuel pump - because, well why not...

Thanks I'm looking forward to your advice and comments FABO.
