
I had it done in the 90s. Knocked me out. Came out in pieces a few days later. It was 10 mm. The bad parts were they put a tube up my pecker when it first happened. Hoping i could pass it. They knocked me out for that. Didn't work. Stone was too big, hence the lithotripsy. It took six weeks to get it done, cause they only had one machine in the area. The anisthesiologist missed my vein. Felt like my hand was on fire. Two years after I had intense pain in my elbows. What happened to cause it i don't know. Then when i went to have the tube removed, they put my legs in those stirrups, and pulled that tube out while I was awake. Yes, it hurt like hell!

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! 10 mm is over 3/8 inch. It must have felt like a baseball in there.
I had a 4 mm stone a couple of months ago. That felt like a golf ball.