Head quest

Educate me. You need volume and flow. If I have 2 heads and they both flow 300cfm but one has a port with a bigger CSA I'm taking the bigger CSA, especially when you are using a head that was designed for 330-350 CID on 400 plus CID and roughly the same RPM.
Yes I grasp that part, but we aren't bolting on ootb are we..

I would take the smaller cross section for a dual purpose motor. Now if this were all out....this wouldn't even be discussed on this forum... This is Mike and his dual purpose motor imo...which falls into the boat with a lot of us here. We are the types trying to bridge the gap between street reliability and race and that bridge is minutely getting shorter with the more we learn about our combos/range....because look around...today's cars are rolling of the floor with 450+ hp, I'm not about to bow down to that crowd.
I have not been pulled on yet, be it vette,tesla,porsche,bmw,benz,z turbo, suberpukes, bikes galore, and a tons of old rods. I see no need for an intake port volume larger than 190's ,if that ,for what he wants.
I know a couple of our best guys here could/can do that and would agree maybe only to some extent , but only because it might take more work/harder than working the large port....but what aids that torque? Velocity sure does.
The w2 isn't big is it...rhetorical question.