Any of you guys do heater cores?

I typically agree with this statement, but I believe the engineers behind the first gen Dodge Neon did think about the other guy.
But I've never replaced a heater core on one.

The gen 2 neons can lick ma nutz.

Really? I had the dash out of one in fifteen minutes.

P-body GM's are the worst in my experience. The column doesn't drop. It sticks out of the dash. Then you have to pull the dash cover, pull the dash frame, and pull half the evaporator box to get to anything.

I refused to do early Taurus/Sable heater cores when I was at Ford. It was a stipulation when I took the job at one of the dealerships.

When I opened my shop my old boss at the same dealership dropped by for a visit. There sat a '93 Taurus with the dash pulled to the side and the heater core out.

He said, "I thought you didn't know how to do these."

"No, I didn't say I didn't know how, I said I refused to."

It really is no big deal. The car was back out the door in 45 minutes, and that was with the system flushed and bled.

The dealerships have a habit of pigeon holing techs. I know that once I did one of them, I'd be doing all of them.