318 cubic inch motor

Ok sorry I am just figuring this sight out and things are a little hectic around here my middle daughter is in Seattle in serious condition. Yes I live in Aberdeen Wa on the west coast about 100 miles south west of Seattle I have six hundred saved for the motor so far depending on your location I will check on shipping cost I hope 600 didn't afend you please let me know if that's not enough and I will come up with a bit more thank you for your time.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter , I hope she is going to be okay. Your offer did not offend in the slightest, I haven't read your other reply yet so if it's a quote on shipping forgive the let me know what you came up with. Things over here are crazy so if a day or 2 goes by before I respond don't stress. It's just me trying to get back on track. You are first in line for the engine. I hope things go well for you and your family.