A 1974 Duster - My 2nd one, 41 years later!

Took a break from body work today, cleaned the shop....mopped and then mopped again. Much better! So...you had to have a 4 speed did ya, klown??? Well yes I did, guilty as charged, lol! So your stock Z bar is NOT going to fit with headers....ya ya.....you need to mod. So here is what I did. The Z bar had to go in and out 3 or 4 times until I knew exactly where Mr. Welder was going to burn it into place. I needed to first remove the inside lever so I could turn it around. Once turned around it looked like I needed a slight bend. Ain't gonna bend 1/4" steel very well...so I cut a channel a little more than 1/2 way through...oh yes much easier to bend this way. To be filled in later. .....and a lil' paint of course...Anyways...heres the pics:

35714057151_cde450b156_b.jpgIMG_4330 by Alexl5280, on Flickr

35714055781_41e0a283dd_b.jpgIMG_4331 by Alexl5280, on Flickr

35714053801_9220428167_b.jpgIMG_4332 by Alexl5280, on Flickr

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35714049801_c68903eb18_b.jpgIMG_4334 by Alexl5280, on Flickr