Pulling Transmission and Engine 69 Barracuda

Out the top or out the bottom are both valid ways to go about this - in a lot of ways it depends on your comfort level and available tools. Everyone has their opinion and experiences that form them.. and both sides of this perennial debate will swear up and down that they are right, so what do you do? #1 thing - get someone who HAS done this before to come help you, even if they only have a little experience.. go with what they know - pay attention and learn from them - learn together and most of all, keep it fun!! #2 - take pictures and mark everything, almost like you're at a crime scene and store it CAREFULLY -- nothing will derail you like trying to put it all back together and finding a bunch of parts that you have no idea what they are for! Take your time and be meticulous - and if ya can't figure it out or get it out and don't want to have to throw it out - come on here and ask. :thumbsup: