Super tuning car runs good shooting for great

Ok so
If you want to get into this;
Get yourself a note pad,and make two columns labeled rpm and advance. Under rpm mark off 10 hash-marks and label them in increments of 400rpm beginning at 800.So you will see 800,1200,1600 and so on. Then install your timing lite, disable the vcan and let's get started. Rev it up and read the advance at each of those points, and write it down. You can stop when you get two readings in a row with no change in advance. Then rev it up to an rpm where the advance maxes out and write those two numbers down something like 34*@3300 rpm.
Now get you some graph paper or make some; with 13 divisions vertical and about 8 along the horizontal. The vertical column will be advance and mark it off in 2* increments beginning at 12 and continuing to 38. The horizontal will be rpm and mark it off in 400 increments beginning at 800 and continuing to 4000. Now transfer your results from the pad to the appropriate box on the graph. Just put a dot in the right spot. Now run a straight pencil line connecting as many dots as possible or aim it up the middle as may be required. It may be that this will require two lines; one from idle to say 2800 and another from there to 3600. Just connect as many as you can.
Now take a look at it. You can choose any rpm and see exactly how much advance your system is running. Even the in-between rpms and in-between advance dots.
Now lets make a graph for the Vcan. So back to the scratch pad; two columns the left will be vacuum and the right will be advance. You will need a way of delivering a precise amount of vacuum to the Vcan. I use a vacuum pump, like a Mighty-Vac. So with the engine idling at below the point that the mechanical advance starts, just put two inches of vacuum in the can and read the advance. Write it down; 2= xx. Then pump it up to 4 inches and repeat. Continue until the advance no longer changes.
Now make another graph with advance on the certical and vacuum on the horizontal. Transfer your data points to it with little dots and connect as many as you can with a straight line.
Next Tee a vacuum gauge to the sparkport with the Vcan hooked up and go for a ride. You will now be able to figure out exactly how much advance your engine is seeing at any rpm and at any load setting. Suppose you buzz it up to 2500 in low gear and you look on your mechanical graph and see that the engine is getting 28*. Then you look at your vacuum gauge and see it's reading 22 inches. So you look at the Vcan graph and see that at anything over 18" it is pulling in 18*. Now the math;28+18=46* perfect. Next ride the brakes and step on the gas maintaining 2500rpm but pull the vacuum down to 10inches. Release the throttle. Now the math; still at 2500 so still seeing 28 mechanical. But suppose the Vcan has dropped to 6 degrees at that 10 inches at the sparkport, so now the total is 28+6=34. Now imagine you floored it at 2500 and the vacuum at the sparkport drops to zero; now the engine is seeing just the base 28*. How cool is that?! Now put it in second gear and run it up to 2500 again. Now the Vcan might be reading just 20 inches, But this is still over the minimum 18"so the cruise timing will the same as before.
So finally, put in in third gear and run it up to 2500 again, now the sparkport might be less than 18" so then the timing from the Vcan could be less than 18 and so the all-source might also be less, even tho the 2500 still has the 28* base amount. So imagine what the timing is doing at some other vacuum and rpm settings.As you can see, that little can is amazing......