440 troubles

Some of you that followed my project build thread may know or remember my saga with my 440 block intended for my dart build. Below is copied from my build thread:

so the 440 is back from the machine shop, but there may be some issues with it, so much for that happy day.

"I swear I'm cursed with this 440.

I took my 2 kids with me this morning to get it (wife got called into work), so when I was there, I didn't check the block very well, and the guys at the machine shop loaded everything for me. I should have checked it, the block, while it had obviously been tanked but probably not well or long enough, when I got it home, the water jackets are full of crap, out side of the block, there's baked on grease and paint all over, especially around the distributor hole and the bolt holes are all rusty, well light flash type rust. This isn't as much concerning as the cam bearings, I'm no professional but the holes are only lined up on 2 of the bearings, the other, 90% of the hole is blocked and the other is about 75% block. The very front cam bearing is by far the worst, that hole is dang near halfway blocked by the bearings and full of lube(which can be cleaned out). I've waited 18 months for this block to get back to me, had them jack prices up on me and now some potential issues. I'll get pics posted later, right now i'm so mad i could throw the block across the yard.

The so called professional machine job. In the pics, which are best I can get, you'll see partially and fully blocked oil passages in the cam bearings. As well as very rough and gouged cam bearngs (is this normal for brand new professionally installed bearings?) You'll see gouges and even RUST in the cylinder bores. The block was supposed to be honed or bored if the bores needed it. These bores were not rusty at all when it went to the shop 18 months ago. I ordered the .030 pistons as instructed by the shop but it looks like it's gonna have to be bored to at least .040. There's also 2 deep scratches in one bore that you catch a finger on, not sure they show up well in the pics. Also, the block looks pressure washed and not hot tanked." (SEE PICS BELOW)

Well I just got off the phone with the third engine shop I've taken it too for opinions on what to do, all 3 think it can be made right but they are split as far as whether or not it'll need bored over. 1 says yes, the other says no and that a light hone will clean the rust that came home in the bores from the last machine shop(no rusty bores when it in) and the other recommends it based on the other shoddy work that was done.

So the prices to fix the issues and to actually deck and linehone it like it was supposed to be, range from 350-550. depending on the shop.

Now, I do have 2 spare 440 blocks that are standard bore cores. I asked each of those shops what itd cost to start from scratch with one of those,tanked, cleaned up, new freeze plugs, bored .030 (so I can use my perfectly good and brand new balanced .030 rotating assembly), zero decked, line honed, cam bearings.

500-900 again depending on the shop.

So help me decide which option to do.











