1970 Duster 340 :The legend lives on...

Point and shoot, outrun anything to 85 mph, even with those crappy E/70-14s. Stopped pretty good too. After 85 the big boys were coming up fast! Somewhere around 90/95 even a BB New Yorker was nosing on me. And after 100, he was gone.
I learned to pick my marks.
But turning that 70Swinger was always an adventure. Even fast lane changes was likely to upset her. Thankfully it drifted pretty neutral. New tiires every spring, sometimes more often; 7 sets I burned off the back, during the time I owned it, from fall of 70 to spring of 76. I paid $2400 for it with 11,000 miles and sold it for $1300, just over 5years later.I used the money to pay some back-rent,lol.
The day the kid came to pick it up, I had to tow-start it, as the starter had quit. He said he could drive stick,no big deal; but I still wonder if he made it home across the big city.The kid was so excited. I say kid but I was just 23 myself,lol
She was all used up. Tired Second engine,grinding trans-again,whiney rearend-again, bald tires, worn out suspension,steering and brakes. All dented up. Panther Pink! or whatever Dodge called it.
Horrible car. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Horribly fun for a 17 year old kid like me.