Have you ever...

Why are you using AutoCAD2015, they are on 2018 already???

Is the company you're working for using 2015??? The 2015 3 year student license will expire soon if not already...

I use 2016 at home...

They go in three year 'bundles" with the autodesk applications... For three years consecutive, they are usually very compatible...

Let me know if you need any tips.. I learned on 2015...
The guy that hired me wasn't sure which version they have, as he isn't one of the engineers. He said it was "relatively recent" but not as new as 2017, which I also have. Figured I'd go through the 2015 version and the 2015 Essentials book for now so I don't just spin my wheels and shoot in the dark my first day. I'll find out which version they use tomorrow, and go from there.

Karl, thanks for the offer of help. I may take you up on that!