K-Member Removal with Engine in Place?

I didn't do it but I was present to see it done. 4X4 across the shock supports, big lag bolts through those shock holes into the 4X4. Short chains and all thread with washers and nuts used to draw the chains together collecting the engine weight until motor supports moved freely.
His one snafu... the K member needed to drop quite a distance to clear the plastic splash shields riveted to the frame horns. So... K member off the floor jack, slid on the ground out from under the car and back under later, then manhandled back upon the floor jack.
I'll also mention the steering... Column was unbolted inside, split pin at box coupling driven out, column backed away from the steering gear. Gearbox traveled with the K member adding to the manhandling.
Believe it or not, this same guy once jacked a 70 grand prix up high enough to poke a steel drum under the engine ( and yes he did dig a little bit of hole, 16 inches or so ). He let the car down, disassembled the wrecked front end and a tow truck pulled the car away leaving the big *** V8 engine sitting or I should say standing there in his back yard. He did borrow a engine hoist later to put this engine in another Grand Prix. This guy had spent about 10 years setting up fair ground/carnival rides in open fields so he had a lot of experience in GETER DONE although not always the safest methods.