Would you be upset, should I be?

Would that person happen to be Ted Stevens?
No, Ted is a good friend. he is from N. Al. Ted never went to the little swaps after parts, he has, I guess the largest mopar yard in US. he would go to the Nats and pick up some hard to find stuff,( shot the breeze, see the sites, ) like for instance 68 coronet trunk lids.

I havn't been to Nats since maybe '3 or any small swaps since then either. there is what call "manners" and not act lke hogs running to the trough.

on this site, the prodocal gets blurred when the first guy that inquires about a part wants more pics, more info, wants to dicker on the price, and the second guy is maybe ready to make the buy. I guesss there is NO written rule.