A Droning story

Greetings FABO, When I was building my Dart I decided to buy the TTI 2.5" system with Dynomax Super Turbo chambered units and pair them up with my warmed up 340 with Stock HP manifolds. I can tell you that I was generally happy with the setup especially with the 670 SA sitting on top mixing the air and fuel.

In my experience like with most things as you drive they wear in, same with mufflers and over time the sound changes. The TTI kit fit perfect, just a breeze to install on my car. At some point in the future I will weld in flanges at the joints and rid myself of those horrible clamps. When the system was first installed there was a deep LF resonance that sounded mean and didn't really penetrate the interior. After a putting down a few hindered miles the deep sound I was hearing outside started to penetrate into the cabin. The drone would begin at 1500 RPM and wouldn't leave til 2000 rpm. Yea so okay, that's a small window right? and out on the Highway it sounded great! My friends said "yea man that sounds mean!" BUT one thing though, with 3:91's in the chunk 15K- 2K range was basically my sweet spot for cruising around town driving and that **** got old quick!

So I was on a quest for a solution and like many of us I tried affect the drone by playing with the rate of flow through the system with no real success. I am convinced that if I installed headers things would have been different. I didn't and kept the stock manifolds, so I have no practical proof. one day I even swapped the 3:91 for 3:23 which kind of helped, I still had the drone at the same RPM but the difference was I could manage the speed and cruise in peace. That said, the 3:23 weren't as fun.

Meanwhile, I had been chatting back and for with VOETOM on various topics (Mopar, non- Mopar, personal and political) over the last year which would inevitably lead to sharing with him the thing I did today that didn't work and what I would like to see in a design that didn't require a clumsy resonator tube sticking out of my exhaust (yeah I was being picky). I always like the idea of constructing the tubes right into the muffler in my mind it just makes sense and is cleaner to me (btw,I've come to recently find out Magnaflow making this). Tom tells me to look into the Dynomax VTs, and I come to find out that these babies are made with a valve built into the output offset to manage drone. Hell yeah! I think read a few reviews and find out the pro's and cons check the feedback and decide I'll get some, EXCEPT one thing, you can't get them any more lol! Discontinued! I share this info with Tom who advises me to sit tight.

GREAT GUY Advisory!
Tom Hand basically tracked down a set of VTs Then sent them to me! Awesome! What a guy, I mean this just goes to show you how great our community is!
So yeah i finally installed the Vt's and the sound is still nice a little different, slightly quieter but no Drone!

Some pics of the swap and I'll get the audio comparison up later. The Super Turbos and the VTS are the same size.



Chambered vs. Straight through design


