Mopar Action magazine DISCONTINUED

An Inland Mopars Car Club friend told me yesterday that the latest issue of Mopar Collectors Guide states that Parade Publishing fired/replaced the editorial staff of the new Mopar Action magazine after the December issue came out stating they're "going in a different direction" whatever that means.
I sent in my new subscription payment over a month ago and still haven't seen anything show up in the mailbox nor have I been able to find MA on the grocery store magazine rack.
There's a thread over on FBBO saying the same thing.

I had just paid for a 2 year renewal. I even got another bill in the mail and had to verify I had already sent in the check?!?!?!

They owe me a couple issues from before.
I'll be damned if I buy a copy at the grocery store when they still owe me.
I understand new owners blah,blah,blah. But they're the ones who said they honor the old subscriptions.
Until they do, they're word aint worth the paper they printed it on. How am I expected to trust what they print until I see some good faith on their part.

I'm down under and had a year to go on my sub, haven't and don't expect any issues to be on my door step soon

Well, I'm totally confused as to the conversation and direction of this thread.. Harris publications went belly up in April 2016, two weeks after I renewed my subscription for another 2 years!! If they are back in publication I'd like to know by whom as I'd luv to be getting the copies of a subscription I paid for of what was a great magazine..

The direction is.......
Kiss your money goodbye.
Another publisher bought the magazine, and they stated they would honor the subscriptions. Well I think the new publisher lasted a whole 2 issues before they called it quits too.
I renewed at Mopar Nats for 2 years, the only thing I ever saw was the t-shirt they gave away.
The way I see it, I basically paid $27 for a $5 t-shirt that shrank.
Sorry to be the guy that breaks it to you, but that's that sad truth.
Oh, and I did submit that form that Harris Publishing sent. But my attorney said said don't count on much. So far, he's been right.

Tis the sad truth about corporate America.. I filled out the same form from Harris and never saw a dime, least you got a t-shirt.. All the fat cats and attorneys got their money, and the hard working simple men like us, as usual just get the shaft..

Mopar Action was at the Nats selling subscriptions.
They hollered at me wanting me to sign up.
I asked where the hell was the issues they already owe me.
I was told that I'd get those, but I really should sign up for a new subscription.
Apparently they were there last year selling subscriptions also and those issues haven't been printed let alone mailed out.
Looks like straight fraud to me.

I was chatting to him at a show earlier in the year.....and at that point in time he was dead certain that Mopar Action was finished. I hope it does rise from the dead, I'm another one who's owed a two year subscription.

What about for those people, like me, who subscribed previously and never received their subscription. I hope they have that list of people and will honor their subscriptions.

From Cliff Gromer:
"contact the publisher-- the company will honor their subs."

Not sure how that relates to you who signed up under Harris, but worth a shot.