Torque to yield, head bolts...

Did head gaskets on a ford 3.8 supercharged, aftermarket bolts failed in the torquing process, ended up using oem original bolts i removed. If they arent bent or necked down they can be reused.
I think it also has to do with no retorquing. I wouldnt want to go back into a ford 5.4 to retighten head bolts...double the thousand dollar job.
Dont care for it,leaves me wondering if its going to let go.they do break.
I had to break loose a TTY cam bolt on an Intrepid 3.5L v6. I had a 3 or 4ft cheater on my breaker bar, and it was all my buddy and I could manage to break it loose. I thought for sure the bolt would shear or the drive would shear on my wrench, but thankfully neither failed. I swear that bolt must have been wound like a clock spring, before it loosened.