New skyscraper in San Francisco has ruined the skyline

Always a ray of sunshine, Jim. I cannot recall the last time you ever had anything positive to say.

Like many others, I never had the desire to live in a city. I love the green grass and trees too much. I love having a yard for the dogs to play in, a house on a quiet street and nights where you can clearly see the stars. Imagine what it would cost to store 9 cars and all these parts in a big city ???

My wife lived in a smallish city all her life.

We moved out to the country when we bought the house and five acres. Should have seen the look on her face when we stood on the back deck the first moonless night.

She had never seen so many stars. And she got why I wanted back in the country, right then and there.

Even for that I envy my dad for all the years he spent out on the Gulf of Mexico.