Clunk noise on the 1/2 shift in an A999 trans.

When you adjust the 2nd band, you should first tighten it back up just snug AND counting the turns as you go. Then back it out to where it was, and then add the 2 turns. But there will come a point that it is too loose and then the strut will fall out internally. I don't know how many turns is too loose cuz I have never looked for the edge,lol.
But there is about a bit more than .5 inch of travel on that servo, so I'm guessing you might have that much adjustment available. You'll have to figure it out, or maybe someone who knows will pop in here soon. I wouldn't go that far tho. If you have to go more than 4 or 5 turns from snug, my opinion is that something is wrong inside the trans....... OR OR the clunk is not originating inside the trans.