Quick non-mopar question...

I don't know all the specifics of what actually happened when it went out. The kid that owned the truck said that the tires were spinning as he went from gravel to pavement, and when the tires locked up, he heard a metallic crunch from under the truck, and it wouldn't go anymore. He thought he'd lost the transmission. It wouldn't move in any gear, forward or reverse. After the shop looked at it, I heard in passing that the transfer case and both differentials were toast. I actually spoke to the owner of the shop yesterday when the flatbed picked it up to take it to the guy that had bought it (I'm their ride since the dad doesn't have a license, and now the kid doesn't have a truck), and he said it was just the rear differential that blew, and actually shot fragments through the housing. He said that if the rear differential goes, the truck doesn't move, even in 4WD, since it's not like the old trucks where the front and rear get power separately. He said the front power is dependent on the rear working properly. I don't know if this is true or not, as I'm not a mechanic. I'm just reporting what the guy said. Of course, this is the same guy that is selling an 89 Chevy Silverado for $4800 because it has a "special" engine in it (Jasper rebuild with an already used up warranty) and a "so-called" $3k paint job. So, who knows?