NFL football players not honoring our flag

I was just thinking about all the over paid football players not standing to honor our USA flag during the playing of the Anthem.
I think its time they upped their protest, or take it to the next level. Maybe like squatting down in front of a train!

It is only one more thing to try to demean and destroy the Country that you have always known it. The end goal, tearing down monuments, calling our history racist, is to say the Constitution is null and void because it is a document founded on racism. They tried to go after the second amendment, they have gone after free speech. Look at college campuses, and now some say if they don't agree with your speech and deem it dangerous, free speech does not apply. The media no longer looks out for the American people and protect them from an over reaching government but have become propagandists for one party. The indoctrination is taking place as early as elementary school, in the Media, Hollywood and now sports, ESPN being a prime example. We already have anarchy with certain groups committing violence and people not being allowed to share views because the campus or municipality is afraid of the violence. Then we have open borders which is against the rule of law, and is breakdown on your identity as a Country. I don't know of anywhere else where you can illegally enter a Country and demand benefits and claim you have rights. Why should someone from Canada have to spend 4 years and thousands of dollars to be a citizen here, yet others are just gifted the privilege. If something doesn't change fast, we will be just another third world nation. My two Cents.