Slant 6 Vibration

That could be a clue…!

Rust in the radiator...rusted-out freeze plug…it's not unreasonable to suspect a rusted-through head gasket, too. The original head gaskets are stamped steel.

(Too late now, but when you pulled the freeze plug to replace it, you ought to have taken steps to dig out the rust muck that tends to accumulate in the block, accessible without the freeze plugs in the way...)

Ok, after much more a-do than I expected in getting the head off (SO MANY THINGS TO TAKE OFF!....and that 2" coolant tube that's hidden on the front!) I got my first look. The gasket around cylinder 2 looked wet, but since it was dark, I just figured it was a mix of some coolant in the cylinder from removing the head and the teaspoon of oil I put in for the compression test. None of the valves look damaged, but the area around the valves on cylinder 2 and the piston head are BLACK. Also of note is that the entire workings under the valve cover look like they were powder coated black (I know that's not the case, ;) ) and perhaps that means it's been run too lean or hot? The cylinder bores look slick and clean, with only carbon rings around the tops, no ridges in the metal that I could discern. Head bolt #14 (bottom back) was also dripping with oil once I pulled it out. All others were dry. Here's pics (sorry they're dark, I finished up right at dark):



