Slant 6 Vibration

Bro, that is awesome. Ill have to try that but if I found that before reading this, I would have scrapped those in a heartbeat!
It is just a rough check to see if anything is really grossly bad on one bore or piston. I was just thinking of how could the OP look for a really bad piston issue, since that seemed to be a concern. I do it only for that reason: just some assurance that a 1-2 reeeeally bad problems aren't there. It does not quantify regular wear in any useful way or tell you anything about rings, grooves, etc.... A broken ring would have typically shown some compression improvement with oil (since the 2nd ring is now the compression ring), and some vertical scars in the bores. It sounds like that is not the case.

The only REAL way to examine a piston is to pull it. That is why a pressure test in cylinder 2 and listening on intake and exhaust would have been good before pulling the head; that would have told the story on the valves, and if one was bad, then would have made a piston issue even less likely.