Oil burn cloud on engine deceleration

That was the idea, but it may be more elaborate than you need. I think I would just try it at something like 500 to a maybe 800 rpm higher, but in same gear as you were using on the hill. I was also assuming that the hill was sufficiently steep to tip the front of the engine down.
If it's really steep, some old style carbs can slosh fuel into the throttle bores. Also if your T-port sync is open too far the primaries could be pulling gobs of fuel. All that extra fuel, talking theoretical now, would wash the oil off the cylinder walls, and where would it go? You got any bucking going on, down the hill. All that extra fuel would probably manifest as bucking. With a manual trans you would really feel it.If no bucking then forget I mentioned it.
Never experienced bucking downhill. I have a 4 speed and a Eddy carb.

So tomorrow I am going to do four tests.
1. Downhill with PCV, 2nd gear, 3200
2. Flat with PCV, 2nd gear, 3700
3. Downhill without PCV, 2nd gear, 3200
4. Flat without PCV, 2nd gear, 3700

I will report back my findings.