Pulling motor

First with front of vehicle on stands, exhaust and trans support member removed, the assembly would tilt down far enough to access the upper bell bolts. The upper radiator hose might stretch or tether if it hasn't been disconnected, and the LA distributor cap might hit the firewall if it hasn't been removed. Anyway... Then trans support member bolts poked back in their holes. I loop a long chinch/tie down strap around the torsion bars to hold the front of the trans up ( it would wiggle to align at reassembly too ). Torque convertor and flex plate marked with paint pen, those bolts removed. This will turn a heck of a lot easier if spark plugs were removed. Everything I need to do underneath done before letting the car back down. As the engine weight comes off the torsion bars raise the car up, so I could unload the torsion bars ( counting bolt revolutions, more marks and jotting notes ) or just deflate the front tires or both. My cherry picker doesn't have to go quite as high. I prefer a lower center of gravity. Something does have to roll though so the car can't go so low it lays on the cherry pickers limbs.