3 quick problems

SO, I've got a misaligned drivers side door, inside the glass is either the wrong glass or out of the tracks and a trunk that I have no key for the lock. Questions are:

1. Where do I start with the alignment of the door? I've never gotten into the adjustment fitting of body parts so this is a bit new.
2. How do I get into the door panel to look at the glass issue?
3. How do I get that lock out of the trunk without destroying it or the sheet metal of the trunk?

I can't help with 1, but..

2. if it is a stock door panel, it should be fairly easy to remove. There is a bolt holding the door handle on, two phillips screws holding the arm rest on and I believe that is it. From there it is held on with clips. You will want a to use a plastic scraper or a door panel removal tool if you want a chance at saving the panel, from the clips ripping out. Something like this.

3. You can take out the back seat and climb into the trunk and turn the lock from the inside or remove the two bolts holding the latch to the trunk. From there you can purchase a new lock and key.