"stall converters". Is it just me?

No different than somebody asking if it has a "cam in it". Obviously it has a cam because it's running. C'mon, we know what they mean. Do they have to say "does it have an aftermarket high stall in it"? Because some factory converters were "high stalls". How hard do you want to make it? Language is a form of communication, and if you know what they mean, it worked.

Actually it is different. "It has a cam in it" would be like "it has a converter in it"...... which would imply a cam or converter other than stock.

Now if a moron were to say "it has a duration cam" or "it has a lift cam in it" this would be the same as "it has a stall converter", and would make no sense......

Wow, I stirred it up a bit with this one, LOL.